Friday, September 16, 2022


 You know how they say that the dynamics as a couple versus when they're married is different? 

You know how the elders around tell us marriage is a gamble? 

I use to refute them all. I always thought it boiled down to calculating the risks when deciding to settle down with someone. I thought that if I had calculated it enough and weighed the pros and cons, I would be spared from sayings above. Oh boy did I do calculate this risk before I decided to settle down. In fact, I felt I couldn't have been more careful. I don't think you would expect one who has been raised in a single family who unfortunately discovered the cheating of her father to be so careless in such decisions. Still, I don't recognise you much any longer. Many important conversations that shouldn't be swept under the mat have turned futile. You shut me out when you're uncomfortable with the conversation almost disrespecting the relationship we have painstakingly built, then take me back in when you think you're feeling it. 

The care about the little things have stopped. My well being. The baby. I wish I could say more. Maybe the issue was me. Maybe I'm just too much

Was I too naive? Should I have taken even more time to weigh my options? Did I just not calculate the risk enough? These questions swarm around my head while I attempt to stay in the present with my baby tiger. 

How did you change to become this man I sometimes don't quite recognise? I ask myself everyday if it was a mistake to have brought an innocent being to this world. If I had known this was how things would be after bringing aboard a new family member, I would've never agreed to your request to keep him. Another part of me can't help but be thankful for this boy who smiles more than ¾ of the day. I find myself torn in my head. All these questions however just don't seem to matter yet I ask myself all of it everyday. I wish I could give my boy a better environment, an environment where mum and dad were loving, where they were each others' rock, just like how I had imagined it. 

I wish I hadn't allowed the circumstances of us to take away my experience in motherhood. You were physically in the house but simply too far away to realise how much help I needed and how I struggled to stay afloat. I wish I had stayed the course and persevered in breastfeeding despite being on my own. Even now, it most times just feels like it's just me, myself and I. If a next life awaits, I hope I do better as a mum.

 For someone who constantly verbally mentions how important I am, the actions sometimes differ greatly. 

I thought I was careful enough. You used to be my best friend. But now I hardly recognise us. 

All I can do is to grieve for us while attempting to stay present for our innocent boy. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


 Thought I was enough. What wishful thinking. Some things you just can't force it. Some things you just have to let go. 


 Tears of ache and emptiness swallows me whole, all of them stuck at the entrance of my throat. Can I ever look at myself the same? Can I ever be held without feeling disgusted with myself? I hope my lack of memory kicks in and all of these would eventually belong in the past. 

Something tells me it may not work out however. But please do, please let me feel ok.

It's not you, it's me. Always has been. 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

I'm gonna grow old in a blink of an eye and over here feels safe for me to showcase all the different sides of me so......

For some reason putting it all in social media feels a little too invasive. It's odd. I should say more. But it's been too overwhelming these days. I think I spent an hour replaying Incubus tonight and my do i miss them. It's time for me to head to bed. Till then xx

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Loving drains me. I don't even know what I should do anymore

Monday, January 20, 2020

All good things must come to an end

We did this topic on love in school and I recall the lecturer passionately telling us that love was in the littlest of things. Love goes when we let the little things slide; the rituals the couple used to have, things that are promised but left unfulfilled. The list goes on. This topic my lecturer spoke about was based on studies done on thousands of couples. The studies spoke about what made a couple happy and successful and what a made a couple break.

Interestingly, all my life I believed in how love consisted of the littlest of things but I think such mindset has done nothing but backfired on me in many ways.

I'm beginning to doubt my lecturer and the studies done. Though again, studies like that is much too factual to be doubted. Maybe I doubt myself and the way I love. Maybe it is true that I am a hopeless romantic who can never be in love. I think it's just me. My flawed heart that can never be loved. Guess no matter the amount of love, it just wouldn't suffice and people will never empathise enough.

The truth is that you just can't make someone see the same things that you do. This whole "love is in the littlest of things" isn't always believed by everybody. And that... That's what actually hurts the most. I'm still questioning if maybe I was wrong all along. That maybe I just don't know what love is about and that I'm a bad lover. That it's all on me.

That's why I never wanted to begin anything with anybody. Because the ending of my relationships always made me feel as though I was wrong to love the way I do, and expect to be loved the same way just so neither of us would need to ever experience a possible break up or divorce.

But I guess all good things must eventually come to an end, especially when you meet a lover like me.

I guess your mama was right when she told you this wouldn't be good for you.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When you love someone but it goes to waste. Could it be worse.
When you’re too in love to let it go. But if you never try. You never know.